Time To Call The Door Frame Repair Man

Have you tried to fix your door frame only to find that it still is not fixed?

It is time to call the door frame repairman, Sacramento.

The superhero of door frame repair, Sacramento Handyman, will have that door frame fixed in no time.

Door Frame Repair

Reasons Your Door Frame May Need Repair

There are several reasons your door frame may have damage that needs repair:

  • Termite damage: Termites can cause extensive damage to wooden structures, including door frames. They chew through the wood, compromising the frame’s integrity.
  • Water damage: Moisture can seep into the wood, causing it to warp, swell, or rot. This is especially common in areas exposed to heavy rainfall or high humidity.
  • Dry Rot: A type of fungal decay, dry rot can weaken wooden structures, making them brittle and crumbly.
  • Sagging, Sticking, Swelling: These issues can arise from a variety of causes, including structural settling, humidity, or improper installation.
  • Intruder Damage: If an intruder has kicked in your door, the frame may be significantly damaged and in need of repair or replacement.

These are just a few of the reasons you may need to call a door frame maintenance specialist. Ignoring these issues can lead to more severe problems, such as security risks, increased energy costs, and further structural damage.

What You Can Do Until The Repairman Comes

Depending on which door is affected, you can take certain measures to mitigate the problem until the repairman arrives:

  • Interior Doors: For bedroom or bathroom doors, try to minimize use to prevent further damage. Keep the door open to avoid putting stress on the compromised frame.
  • Exterior Doors: A damaged exterior door poses a security risk. If the repairman cannot come immediately, consider temporarily securing the door with a sheet of plywood. This will help keep out intruders and protect against the elements. For urgent situations, you may need an emergency door repair service to address the issue promptly.

What To Expect From A Door Frame Repairman

When the door frame repairman arrives, here’s what you can typically expect:

  1. Assessment: The repairman will assess the extent of the damage and identify the underlying cause. This may involve inspecting for termite damage, checking for moisture sources, or evaluating the structural integrity of the frame.
  2. Options for Repair or Replacement: Based on the assessment, the repairman will provide you with options. If the damage is minor, a repair may suffice. This could involve reinforcing the frame, filling in cracks, or resealing the wood. However, if the damage is extensive, a full replacement may be necessary.
  3. Addressing the Cause: If the damage is due to water, the repairman will need to find and address the source of the moisture to prevent future problems. This might involve fixing leaks, improving drainage, or adding weatherproofing measures.
  4. Repair Process: The repair process will vary depending on the extent of the damage. For minor repairs, the process might include sanding, filling, and repainting the affected areas. For more severe damage, the repairman may need to remove and replace sections of the frame or the entire frame.
  5. Quality Assurance: After the repair or replacement, the repairman will ensure that the door operates smoothly and securely. They will check for proper alignment, ease of operation, and secure locking mechanisms.

More Than Just A Door

Your door is more than just a door; it serves several crucial functions:

  • Security: A sturdy door and frame act as a barrier against burglary and theft. If the door frame is compromised, it undermines the overall security of your home.
  • Energy Efficiency: Properly functioning doors help maintain your home’s insulation. They keep the cold out during winter and the heat out during summer, which can help reduce your energy bills.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: A well-maintained door and frame contribute to the overall aesthetic of your home. They can enhance curb appeal and leave a good impression on visitors.

If your door frame is sagging, swelling, or sticking, it’s not only a functional issue but also a potential security threat. Ensuring that your door and frame are in good condition is essential for the safety and comfort of your home.

Who To Call for Door Frame Repair in Sacramento

For all your door and door frame repair needs, the best name to call is Sacramento Handyman. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to quality service, Sacramento Handyman can handle any door frame issue, big or small.

The best name to call  for all your door and door frame repair needs is Sacramento Handyman. Call 916-472-0507 for inquiries on our services or get your estimates today!

6 thoughts on “Time To Call The Door Frame Repair Man

  1. Our double 8′ bedroom doors have a dead bolt latch at the top of the doors in order to stabilize the doors when closed. The latch won’t come down, so one door won’t open. Now what should I do ?

  2. I have more of a question than a comment, I managed to break the door frame on the hinge side , both the top & bottom. The top is just split ( no problem) but the bottom is major , my question is : Can I repair or should I replace the whole side? It looks like the door frame was all one piece because there seems to be a nail protruding up through the metal “threshold”.

  3. We have the same situation at the moment, the door was kicked in sort of, not on purpose but rough housing and the only side affected was the latch side and mostly where the door locks, but the framing and the molding was messed up, and im trying to either fix it myself (im a teenage girl) or get someone else to come do it professionally, anything you’d recommend ? the door is the one leading into the garage but is like the bedroom doors.

  4. Every home owner needs such home improvement tips. It pays to have some knowledge of home repairs, even when you decide to hire professionals for the job to avoid getting ripped off on a minor repair.
    Thanks for sharing such informative tips. Best wishes to you!

  5. landlord glued the door frame together even around the strike plate because it was shattered(previous tenants)..then tried to screw in place the door knob latch but it’s so damaged it wiggles. can we just replace the frame with the strike plate? and probably a new door

  6. I had to kick in our bedroom door because it was locked. Unfortunately, the side of the border and part of the side wall split and it’s damaged now too… how much would this type of work cost? I am located in Bay Point CA

Sacramento Handyman
2386 Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento CA 95824
(916) 472-0507

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