Repair or Replace Your French Door in Sacramento?

French Door Repair

French doors are a lovely addition to your space. They are typically characterized by a double-door design with glass inlay throughout a large portion of the doors’ surface. However, there are different styles of French doors that you may find with subtle variations. When French doors become damaged in your home, you may wonder what it will take to repair them. Sacramento Handyman offers fast, effective results for all types of door repair needs, including French door repair projects.

Damage to Your French Doors

French doors can become damaged in several ways. The most common type of damage is broken glass. Glass can shatter or chip due to impact or even by closing the doors too forcefully. The wood can also become dinged or scratched. In some cases, the door hinges may become loosened, causing the doors to not close properly. When these or other types of damage are present, they may detract from your home’s look rather than enhance it. In some cases, the damage can be dangerous, such as with broken glass.

Steps to Repair the Doors

Homeowners can take different steps to repair the doors based on the type of damage. If the door is severely damaged, a full replacement of one of the doors may be required. If the hinge is broken, the door frame and hinge may need repair or replacement. Depending on the type of door you have, scratches and dings may be patched and repaired. This way, the original door can continue to be used. When a repair technician arrives to assess the damage, you can learn more about the necessary repair steps.

Making the Repair

When your technician is making the repair, consider the cost of the repair versus a replacement. Also, consider the quality of the door currently installed. Some French doors have a lovely aesthetic design but are on the low end of the price spectrum. In this case, it may be more cost-effective to repair a damaged door than to replace it. Other doors may be solid wood doors that have been beautifully stained. The desire may be to keep these doors in the home. These may be more difficult to replace and easier to repair because of their solid wood design. The French door repair contractor will help you understand more about the type of door you have installed.

Sacramento Handyman provides local residents with all types of door repair services. Whether your interior or exterior doors are damaged, our technicians can make the repairs. For those considering an upgrade, we also specialize in interior door installation, ensuring a seamless process from start to finish.

To receive a free estimate for the repair project, call Sacramento Handyman at 916-472-0507.

3 thoughts on “Repair or Replace Your French Door in Sacramento?

  1. We just bought a lovely house here and unfortunately have to replace the French doors in the back of the house, due to a lower quality. We’re wanting to get a a nice sliding set as we plan on being in this house for a while, as my husband just retired from the military. The house overall is beautiful, the only needed repair (replacement) are the French doors.

  2. We have lovely old wooden French doors with chips in the windows. I will be calling you soon to see if they can be repaired, I would hate to lose my lovely old doors!

  3. Hello there. I have a french door and its door handle / lock needs to changed . I can send you a picture so that you can take a look if you can fix it or not .
    Hoping to hear from you soon.

Sacramento Handyman
2386 Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento CA 95824
(916) 472-0507

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