Front Door Installation In Sacramento

front door installation

Updating your home’s front door is a smart idea that can improve your curb appeal with amazing results. In addition to enhancing the style of your space, the right front door can improve accessibility, energy efficiency and even home security and privacy in some cases. While you may want to spend ample time reviewing the options to select the right front door to install, you also need to consider front door installation. The team at Sacramento Handyman can assist you with installing any type of front door you select for your home.

Making Your Decision

Front doors can be made out of numerous materials, but most commonly they are made out of wood, aluminum or fiberglass. They can be rather small in size with a single door design. Some have a more substantial double-door design. In addition, for both the single and double-door designs, you may find complete door frames with custom windows on the sides of the door and over the door for a decorative effect. Regardless of the type of door that you choose to use with your home upgrade, it needs to be professionally installed for a number of reasons.

Why You Need Professional Installation

The most basic type of front door replacement will relate to taking the existing door off of the hinges and replacing it with the new front door. Most front interior door installation projects require the entire door frame to be removed and the new door frame to be installed. If you are changing the size of the door frame, such as transitioning from a single door design to a double-door design, the size and shape of the frame space will need to be adjusted. This will require framing work from a contractor. In addition, the door will need to be properly installed so that it is aligned, straight and airtight. Issues with incorrect installation of the door may result in energy loss, the door getting stuck or even security issues.

The Speed of Installation

Once you have removed your current front door, you will have a large hole in the front of your home until the new door is fully installed. This presents you with a security risk, a privacy issue and weather concerns. Because of this, most people will want to have the front door replacement project completed within a single day. Preferably, the entire project will be completed within a few hours. While some homeowners may believe they have the skills to get this project completed on their own, they may not be able to complete the project in a single day. Professional services are beneficial when speed is a concern.

For homeowners who want to replace an existing front door, Sacramento Handyman is the company to contact for fast, affordable service and quality workmanship. Our team is available to provide you with a free estimate for your front door project.

Call us today at 916-472-0507 to set up a time to meet with us about your plans for your home.

Sacramento Handyman
2386 Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento CA 95824
(916) 472-0507

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