What Is Wainscoting

You’ve probably heard it mentioned once or twice, but you never really took the time to understand. What exactly is wainscoting? What does this lavish-sounding term actually mean?

As it turns out, wainscoting refers to a home design method in which solid paneling is applied on the lower part of a wall. While the term originally pertained to solid wood, definitions have changed over the years. Now, panels can be made not just from wood but from other materials such as medium density fiberboard or even plastic. With different styles to choose from, your house can transform into a traditional-looking space into a more sophisticated rural home. Wainscoting typically involves installing panels between three to five feet in height, depending on the homeowner’s preference.


The Definition and Evolution of Wainscoting

Now that you know the definition of wainscoting, what are some good reasons to call a handyman and install raised panels around your walls? There are plenty of reasons why your house requires wainscoting. In the 18th century, people have been covering their walls to provide better insulation in their rooms. As the years go by, homeowners have begun adopting the method for the sake of style. The wooden panels, for instance, provide a decorative accent.

Aesthetic and Protective Benefits of Wainscoting

Aside from its solid aesthetics, wainscoting also offers protection to your walls. High-traffic areas such as hallways and stairways are prone to dents and dings over time. Installing panels on these walls can help conceal these imperfections and protect the underlying wall from further damage. Wainscoting is also a great solution for rooms where furniture is frequently moved around. In dining rooms and bathrooms, where chairs and other furniture are often in motion, wainscoting provides a durable barrier that helps to prevent scuffs and marks on the walls.

Various Styles of Wainscoting

Wainscoting comes in a variety of styles, each offering a unique look and feel. Traditional styles, such as raised panel wainscoting, bring a classic, timeless elegance to a room. These panels feature a central raised area bordered by a frame, creating a sophisticated and ornate appearance. Another popular traditional style is beadboard wainscoting, which consists of narrow, vertical planks with a small indentation or “bead” between each plank. This style is often used in cottage or farmhouse designs, lending a cozy and charming feel to the space.

The Cost of Wainscoting

So, how much does it take to wainscot your walls? The answer depends on how willing you are to transform your entire house. The type of panel, as well as its height and material, will certainly affect costs. Manufactured panels tend to be cheaper, from an estimated amount of $10 per panel, while the hardwood type is more expensive, $20 per square foot at most. Premium quality wood designs can go for twice that amount. While homeowners on a budget can opt to purchase fake wainscoting effects such as 3D stick-on panels, nothing beats getting the real deal. At the end of the day, paying for legitimate wainscoted walls is an investment that will undoubtedly raise the value of your property.

Hiring a Professional Handyman for Wainscoting Installation

When it comes to installing wainscoting, hiring a professional handyman is often the best approach. Handyman services can ensure that the panels are installed correctly and securely, avoiding any potential issues down the line. When choosing a handyman service, it’s imperative to do thorough research to find a company that offers competitive pricing without sacrificing quality. Companies like Sacramento Handyman, for example, are known for their reasonable rates and high-quality workmanship.

When in doubt, call Sacramento Handyman first at 916-472-0507 for your wainscoting and paneling services inquiry.

Sacramento Handyman
2386 Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento CA 95824
(916) 472-0507

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